booking the holiday home in Madeira?

booking the holiday home in Madeira?

Booking the holiday home, or inquiring for a specific period of time? We have made things easy for you. Booking is direct with us. We don’t use agents or other expensive go-betweens, who would only increase the price.

Before you start your booking: check the calender

First, have a look at the calender and check if booking our house is still possible in the period you like.. We keep the calender perfectly up to date, however, it is possible that we already have an enquiry for your dates that has not yet been confirmed. In such cases, we contact you at once upon receiving your enquiry.

booking the holiday home? or just enquiring? easy!

Booking our house, or sending an enquiry, is very easy. Just send us a message at The more information you send us, the easier it gets. Dates of arrival and departure, number of people, address… Adding your phone number would be nice, we can then give you a call (via phone of WhatsApp) to explain things or answer any questions. Once you have decided to book the house, we send you a rental agreement accompanied by the usual terms and conditions and some explanations. Just fill out the fields, print and sign, and sent it back to us as a scan (or as a photo). When the down payment that is specified in the rental agreement has arrived in our bank account, your booking is complete.

From early November through late April you can choose: either you can choose for booking the complete holiday home*, or you can stay in our guest room on a B&B basis. Check out the Bed and Breakfast page for all the relevant information. Enquiries or booking requests for B&B are done the same way: just send us a message with the relevant information, and we get back to you immediately. Note that we have only one guest room, which limits the number of people to just two.

Don’t forget to take decent travel insurance if you don’t already have one. Take one that covers cancellations as well. It can save you a lot of trouble and a whole lot of money should you have to cancel your trip. You can often book travel insurance online while booking your flights.

feel free to ask

You can ask any questions you may have before deciding to travel to Madeira or even to book our house. We know the island well, as we have spent the winter months her since 2010. Therefore, we will possibly be able to answer all your questions of a more touristy nature as well. We love helping to make your stay in this delightful island a fantastic experience.

praia da Madalena do Mar
Book our Madeira holiday home? This will be your view
Walking the Rota da Banana in Madalena do Mar
booking our house? you could be relaxing in front of the house soon

As you see, we have tried to make booking as easy as possible. We have also done a lot of research to make it easy to rent a car or book an attractive flight.

*in winter, there is a minimum stay of 14 nights. That’s because we are normally here, and we need to prepare the house for your stay. That takes disproportionally much time and effort for shorter stays. In summer, the minimum stay is only 5 nights. There is no minimum stay if you book our B&B service.

In the background features the orange. Many varieties of citrus grow here on the island. Oranges, different kinds of tangerines, lemons, limes, the Indonesian ‘djeruk purut‘, of which the leaves are needed in the Indonesian Rice Table and of course the grapefruit. The only one we don’t have is the latter. The lime, djeruk purut and two different oranges are still very young, the tangerines and the lemon have been there for years and usually carry fruit. Did you know that citrus are the only species that flower and carry simultaneously?