covid-19 measures for Madeira

covid-19 measures for Madeira

Updated rules as of May 15, 2022

Much to the relief of many, most covid-19 measaures have now been dropped in Madeira. The last rudimentary rule is, like in many places, about wearing


There is no longer need to wear a mask in most places, with only a minimal number of exceptions. You still have to wear a mask in

  • hospitals and health units
  • pharmacies
  • public transport

It is obvious that buses are public transport, but don´t be too surprised if you are asked to wear a mask in a taxi.

masks on a plane

Strictly speaking, a plane is public transport too. However, The EU has dropped the obligation to wear a mask on a plane. However, the airline still has the right to decide otherwise. So check with your airline, but make sure to have a mask in your pocket just in case. The same goes for airports. Strictly there should be no need to wear a mask, but I would not be surprised if the Madeira Airport authorities would consider the airport as a part of the public transport system. Again, avoid a nasty surprise and carry some.

Travelling to Porto Santo

Though the ferry to Porto Santo allows you to spend the crossing outside enjoying the views, strictly it is a means of public transport and the crew could well demand you wear a mask. Again, avoid a surprise and carry some.

have deleted the former texts and updates, as they have become obsolete. I think that, as usual, we shall have to wait and see how this confusing document comes into effect and how the measures pan out. But experience teaches us that, as a rule, the measures will not spoil your stay in beautiful Madeira.

your turn

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By Peter Groen

Peter was born in Amsterdam in 1949. He has a history in PR and copywriting. Now, part time resident of the Island of Madeira of over 10 years, he writes about Madeira, its culture, its overwhelming nature, its food and drink, and about everything concerning travel to and on this beautiful island.


  1. The madeirasafe website has now been shut down.

    Mask wearing indoors should be stopped soon probably with exception of hospitals and clinics.

  2. Just to advise that the madeirasafe website has now been closed down.

    The wearing of masks indoors will be stopped very soon probably with the exception of hospitals and clinics.

    1. Thanks for this information Maurice, very helpful as always. I shall alter the article soon, probably reducing it considerably as soon as the mask are officially no longer compulsory outside hospitals/clinics.

  3. Thank you Peter for the thorough information about the rules surrounding covid. You wrote in February that you did not expect the owners of restaurants and bars to check whether their customers are in possession of a proof of vaccination or negative test. Could you confirm this has turned out the way you expected? Can I enter restaurants and bars on Madeira without any of this?

    Would appreciate it if you could let me know! Thank you!

    1. We have only been checked for our vaccinations when we visited the Municipal Theatre Baltasar Días in Funchal – a lovely benefit concert for the Ukraine by the way – and we were told we would be checked when we bought the tickets.

      We have visited several restaurants and bars lately and we have not been asked once for any proof of vaccination. We still need to wear a mask when moving inside a restaurant or bar, but as soon as you sit down it comes off. All in all very relaxed.
      Having said that, there may still be restaurants where they do check for proof of vaccination. Macdonalds has been known to do this. I can imagine that coming to Madeira your first choice of restaurants might be something more Madeiran than McDonalds though, and in family-run places I think it is very unlikely anyone will ask for anything.

      1. And yet Covid-19 cases in Madeira are high and people are dying every day. If this worries no-one now why have they done what they did during the last 2 years?
        Richard Greaves.

        1. there is no comparing the past two years with today´s situation. We had Delta and Delta was a very dangerous and vicious variant. Omicron is quite mild, a blessing really and the way out of the pandemic like many experts have predicted. But it can not be stopped or contained, so it is no use keeping society locked or heavily restricted. The only choice we have is extra protection for vulnerable people – they can get an extra booster in Madeira too – and get on with our lives, which is necessary as the psychological and economic damage to people should not be underestimated. I don´t know where you get your information about numbers as they are no longer published by the SESARAM.

          1. Saude Mareira Island (in Portuguese) gives death figures. In England nearly 50% of all NHS hospital beds are occupied by Covid-19 patients (if you can believe the BBC). What do you think the knock on effect of all of this is on the rest of the population who require medical treatment? More than one million people in the UK now suffer from Long Covid, and may well do for the rest of their lives.
            Should people with impaired immune systems (such as cancer suffers) now have to walk round with labels on them so that other people know not to get near them and infect them? Booster shots don’t help with many cancer sufferers, especially those with Lymphoma or Leukaemia
            I have never understood why taking the most simple precautions like wearing a mask and socially separating is so difficult for so many people. Clearly this is a restriction on their freedom to infect other people.

            1. I don deny the severity of the effects of covid on some people. But there are two things here: many people who are now in hospital with covid are not there because of it, but because of something else and turned out to be covid positive as well. With Omicron, there is no way to avoid this. Masks don´t help the way they used to when it was still Delta. The same goes for deaths. There is a huge difference between people dying with covid or people dying because of it. Covid is now a virus we have to learn to live with, like the flu, because keeping society under restrictions is not an option on the long run. That has caused a lot of damage of a different kind already, psychological and economic. Obviously, none of us has all the answers, but after two+ years of heavy restrictions society has to open up again, as keeping heavy restrictions in place is no longer tenable.

              1. I don’t think that wearing a mask and socially separating is a heavy restriction. My wife has Long Covid 2 years after having had Covid-19. I can tell you that that is a restriction on her life.
                I think we have to agree to differ.

      2. Thank you for replying so fast. Good knowing it is not checked in most places. I was not planning to visit McDonalds anyway haha. I will be steering far away from the larger establishments!
        Wearing the face masks, even though useless, are not a concern to me. I am just happy to be able to go on vacation without the hassle of tests or governments forcing vaccines on me. Thank you for all the information you put out there! Will be reading the rest of all the tips and information as well.

        1. Good idea to steer clear of Mac and the likes. There are many family-run places that are much more authentic. Enjoy the read and enjoy your stay!

  4. Just to advise that home page has had the following text added:–

    “Important Information: On February 7, 2022, the Madeira Safe platform was updated as the Health Authorities of Madeira changed the rules and regulations for entry into the Autonomous Region of Madeira. Madeira Safe registration is now only recommended. Passengers are no longer required to present a QR Code upon arrival in the Autonomous Region of Madeira or to have their documents validated by medical personnel before or on arrival. Thus, both the QR code and the submission of documents were disabled on the platform.”

    1. Thank you very much indeed, Maurice. About time they now officially admit the madeirasafe platform is on its way out. I really think this regional government has to stop spreading nonsensical information. One wonders what their agenda is. I shall alter the article accordingly as soon as possible. Thank you again for being so observant!

    2. I just received a notice that my Madeirasafe-account has been removed due to 6 months of inactivity. Which is incorrect since we travelled to Madeira only in December, and we did add our travel details before flying. Maybe they are simply shutting down.

  5. I logged into madeirasafe this morning and I could see my QR code from our October holiday. I logged back in just a few minutes ago and the QR code has gone as has the button to retrieve a QR code.

    The QR code is dead, RIP 😉

  6. It now seems that once you have filled in details on madeirasafe uploading vaccination certificates and getting a QR code no longer work. Seems little point in registering on there now. Just bring an up-to-date vaccination certificate with you in case someone wants to look at it.

    1. Yes, so I have heard as well. Instead of re-writing the article I will leave it as it is for now, I suspect that there will be more changes – for the better – soon and that this is the last stage of the covid rules before they will be completely lifted, as we have already seen in Denmark. Fingers crossed, but I am quite confident this will happen rather soon.

  7. A lady called Gill Prince has posted on Facebook that there were NO checks at Madeira airport! They went straight through and their taxi driver said all testing and covid checks had ended. At this stage am unsure if you can skip registering on madeirasafe or not at this stage.

      1. Thanks Maurice, yes I saw and I already updated the article. It looks like these are the last convulsions of a dying set of rules. There also is talk of letting go of the masks in public open spaces.
        Let´s wait and see what happens in the coming two weeks.

        1. I suspect they will drop the requirement of wearing masks outside. I suspect they will want people to wear them on public transport for a while longer. Possibly shops will be given the choice of insisting on them being worn or not. Much the same as in England right now.

  8. We are arriving on Monday 7/2 having visited two other times since last October I re- registered on Madeira safe ( third time) vaccination status says waiting for validation
    In light of your recent info saying Madeira safe may not be necessary after 6th Feb we are naturally concerned at the moment our airline will not allow us to board without the MS green doc
    Any thoughts Peter

    1. Alice, I would play safe and on madeirasafe add your forthcoming trip, upload your vaccination certificates etc. Print off the QR code and have it and a printed copy of your vaccination certificate just in case airline check-in asks for it. With the situation in various countries being so fluid it is worth being ready in case the airline is not totally up-to-date.

    2. Hi Alice, Maurice hit the nail! I would use whatever means you have to document yourselves covid-wise. The Madeiran government has managed to create yet more confusion. The people maintaining the website of the ministry of tourism still did not finish updating the relevant page, 4 days into the new rules. They probably have difficulty working out how things are supposed to work now. We can only shake our heads. Whatever you do, don´t worry. Madeira won´t do anything to impede visitors travelling to the island, it is their livelihood. If you have your vaccinations in order and carry proof of that, you won´t encounter any problems. Have a safe flight and enjoy your stay.

    1. Thanks for the detailed work which unfortunately proves that Confucius is in full action again. I had the pleasure to be refused entry by ol Mac Donald because my friend had no proof of vaccination. So, at least one establishment checked.
      It’s with great concern as to what will happen from next week onward when arriving passengers are no longer tested. This will open all doors, gates and fences etc. to give Omicron and any possible new version of Covid-19 uncontrolled entry to the island. Is Dom Pedro not aware of the enormous degree of danger Omicron carries?

      1. I do believe, based on a lot of gathered information, that Omicron is indeed our way out of the pandemic. But that is beyond the scope of this article. Maybe you should try a real Madeiran establishment, one that is not Big Money owned but a family owned one that needs to struggle for its existence. You would be hard pressed to find one that refuses you on the base of missing document.

        1. From what I have read, for people that have had two or three vaccinations catching omicron is much like catching a common cold. If you think about it, both covid and common colds are corona viruses, ergo much in common. I have seen it written that if you have a bad cold then your defences against covid are strengthened.

          The medical profession is looking at a new vaccine which should defend against all known strains of influenza. A new vaccine for covid is on the way which caters for a wider range of covid variants. So we could be looking at annual double vaccinations as boosters. I would be happy with that.

          1. It seems they are trying to combine the flu jab with the covid vaccine. One jab fits all…
            But now, it´s not a matter of ´if we catch covid´ but ´when we catch covid´. Noud and I are vaccinated 4 times (because the bureaucracy refuses to recognise vaccines of other EU countries) so we are pretty well prepared.

  9. Hello Everyone,

    As of yesterday (Tuesday 22nd November) both of the main supermarkets were still allowing entry to everyone. Pingo Doce (Anadia shopping centre) and the nearby Continente (Rua do Carmo) both in central Funchal, had stationed security guards prior to entry, but they were not asking for any documentation. A cashier at Pingo said that the supermarket would not start requiring vaccination/test proof until the 27th November.

    So far, have only found one eatery demanding vaccination proof. But in that instance, flashing an unofficial UK credit-card sized vaccination document gained entry without question. Had an official document in my bag, but did not show it. As yet, uncertain if the UK official paperwork will be known, understood and accepted everywhere. Maybe presenting a dark green bordered QR code in the Madeira Safe app on a smartphone might be enough?

    Will report here as things change and post what is actually required, accepted, rejected, regardless of what the Madeiran authorities and news websites state.

    Good luck to you all


  10. Hi Peter,

    Once again, a solid and helpful piece of work. Thank you for the time you have taken and your diligence. Editing out a great deal of superfluous words requires thought and care and attention – very well done. All is clear to me in what you have written, but let us see which parts remain and which are deemed impractical (or illegal) come the 27th November, and are changed between now and then.

    Good wishes to you


    1. Exactly my thoughts, Steve. Let’s just wait and see. In a press conference, Pedro Ramos said proudly that the system could well handle 10.000 tests per day. That’s 70,000 a week. Madeira has 250,000 inhabitants. So… No way all can be tested every week.

    1. I know. And the bombastic language of the official document does not help. Still, I studied it and hopefully, my November 21 update makes things a little bit clearer.

  11. Hi Peter,

    Solid piece of confirming what you can at the moment, given that clarity and confirmation are not absolute. Thanks for bringing all of this together, especially as you are doing it from afar. I am in Madeira and will confirm what I can here as and when it is definite. Or just report on the levels of compliance in central Funchal in the meantime.

    Good wishes to you and all


    1. Thank you, Steve, very helpful, as always. I am very curious to know how they will implement rules that are likely unconstitutional. We do remember the procedure against the Madeiran government on the base of Habeas Corpus, which the government would have lost if they wouldn’t have settled the dispute. This is a different matter, obviously, but possibly also a breach of the constitution. Forcing people to vaccinate and test with the threat to cut them off of their food supply if they don’t is quite uncostitutional. Let’s wait and see what comes of it.

      1. We are hearing from DNoticias that all of this will be delayed by a week. No official confirmation as yet. I will provide what I know when I have a second confirmed source.

          1. Confirmation from a very good and on-the-ball medical professional here that there will be a delay of one week (at least, as things stand.) In central Funchal out and about the situation has changed overnight from a few wearing masks in the street to everyone.

  12. Hi Peter,

    A very well considered, researched, structured, and put together updated round-up of the situation as it is now. Thank you once more for the time and effort you put into this.


    1. Thanks again, Steve. To be frank: when I read it again the other day I found that it had become almost unreadable. Far too many updates on updates, so it was time to simplify matters.

      1. You shouldn’t feel like that was so many updates. There’s a certain Prime Minister of a certain country where when he starts a sentence, by the end of it his information is completely out of date. Or just plain wrong. Or he has contradicted himself in one breath.

        But it’s OK. No one can understand what he is warbling about anyway. Possibly not even him.

        1. Whahahahaha. The thing is, I don’t have to listen to him. I have my own Prime Minister to listen to. True enough, what that one says usually makes some sense, but he has a chronic loss of memory and never remembers any enormities we have had to listen to.

  13. Hi everyone,

    I was wondering how serious the Corona situation really is in Madeira. When calculating the 7-day case rate per 100.000 population it would be at around 230, i.e. rather high. Germany (where I am from) has now just issued a travel alert, there the threshold to do so is with a rate of only 50 – where they say with 50 or below health authorities can still control the pandemic.

    Is there any interpretation to the official numbers? I was looking into the article of Diário de Notícias but there is little background.

    For example, if most of the cases are found within a few clusters (e.g. families) then I guess these numbers would be less critical. If, however, the virus is spreading without being able to trace back the infection chains then there would be quite a risk.

    Any views on this?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi Ernesto, I had to give this some thought. I think it would not be realistic to say the covid cases are limited to some family clusters. We have seen transmissions at schools and in families, and also in homes for the elderly. On the other hand, the situation is still not considered ‘out of hand’ as we do not have group transmissions yet. The regional government has taken some extra measures as I described in the latest update at the top of the article. Yet, if you respect the rules you are not at great risk, I should think. And on top of respecting the rules, I would avoid concentrations of people, whenever possible. We live in the West of the island, in the council of Calheta, where the number of cases is still very low and we feel quite safe. We can still go out for dinner if we want, we do go out to have a poncha or a glass of wine and we can do our shopping whenever we want. Of course, the bar life here is above all outside, so the risk of virus transmission is low. I hope this gives you an idea. If you can, stay somewhere rural and avoid Funchal, Câmara de Lobos and Caniço if you can, just to make sure. This is the most densely populated area, and the number of cases is disproportionally high there. The best asset of Madeira, its overwhelming nature, is still fully at your disposal. As the number of tourists is low, you really can enjoy all the famous walks but without the usual masses. I hope this helps you form your own idea.

  14. Hello Harold,
    To reply to your question, how do we know where my wife picked up the covid19, the answer, a little long, is as follows.
    I had to go to New Delhi, India on Business. My wife and I spent 10 days in North India. At the time there was only one known case in India and that was in Kerala in the south. Our flight back to Europe via London was cancelled by BA. I flew on Air India to Copenhagen and then on to Zurich for Medical treatment in Switzerland. My wife had to go Delhi, Madrid, Lisbon, Funchal. The Air India flight into Madrid was 3 hours late so she missed the connection to Lisbon and had to overnight in Madrid. Next day on the flight the man next to her was perspiring, shivering and coughing and sneezing all over. My wife started with symptoms 3 days later. Cough, fatigue, shortness of breath but no fever. We spoke to each other every day on the phone. At the time (early February) everyone thought that the key symptom was fever. She had no fever. 2 weeks later I joined her in Madeira. She was then OK apart from the cough and fatigue. The fatigue has continued. Tests in Sweden and Switzerland prove that she had covid19 and has lung damage. It is quite certain in our minds that she could only have caught the virus from the ill passenger sitting next to her. She is slowly recovering but it is taking a long time. She was healthy with no underlying health problems. Fortunately she effectively self isolated as she was too tired to go out and spent most of 10 days in bed.
    Sorry for the long explanation, but hope this helps.

    1. Thank you Richard for the detailed info. I do not doubt that the man next to her was the probable cause, but he might just have had a very bad cold. Anyhow, the main thing is that your wife is recovering and will be better soon. And luckily you didn’t catch the virus.

  15. Hello Peter,
    I very much like your use of the phrase “Common Sense”. Very appropriate but not enough people seem to have it.
    My wife caught Covid 19 on February 12 2020 on a flight from Madrid to Lisbon from the man sitting next to her. It is (or certainly was) possible to catch the virus on a plane. I work in the aerospace industry. The industry group in the USA is A4A. They have a lot of info on safety in flights. It all depends on how much the airline is willing to spend on air filters. The very best are good – but they cost. Not all airlines use these filters. Less good ones do not filter our virus particles which as we all know are very very small. and a considerable amount of air in the cabin is recycled air. So you are just breathing in your fellow passenger’s air, which may include germs. Of course wearing a mask at all times helps.
    I think that the final solution will be that no-one be allowed on the plane until:
    a)they have proof of a negative test within 72 hours of boarding.
    b) a vaccination certificate.
    A) should be in force now and B) later on this year.
    Preferably these conditions should be for all passengers before they are even allowed in the airport.
    If you have ever been to India, this is the existing principle, already there, to combat terrorism. No-one is allowed in the airport without proof, to the army guards outside, that you have reason to enter.

    1. I hope your wife has recovered from COVID. Thank you very much for this information on the filters in the aerospace industry.
      This also seems to be true for offices.
      I can agree with the conditions you list. Warm regards Berendina

    2. Hello Richard,

      I echo Berendina’s comments, and also wish to thank you for posting this excellent information and insight.

      All the best to you


    3. Thank you very much, Richard, for your valuable contribution. Hopefully, your wife has recovered since and does not have a trauma causing her to be afraid of flying now. I agree on everything you state, but having said that, many countries – like my own, the Netherlands – do not cooperate at all where the necessary paper or electronic proof of test of vaccination is concerned. If you get tested by the state-run health service GGD they simply refuse to give you proof, stating that the test is not meant for travel. So you have to find a private service of which you can only hope they have the right PCR test accepted by authorities of the country you need to travel to. As for vaccination, it is too early days to see if they would give you a proof of that. Hypocritically, the Dutch authorities now demand proof of a negative test for anyone, including Dutch nationals, that cannot be older than 48 hours. That effectively makes any legal travel to the Netherlands impossible, as you simply cannot get the timing right. All these rules would be fine, very useful even, if the complete EU would apply the same rules and offer the same facilities, which they unfortunately don’t.
      As for the ‘common sense’ thing, at the time I wrote that I had no idea of how few people turned out to have any sense, let alone common sense.

    4. I have a question: How sure are you that your wife caught the virus from her fellow passenger? Usually there are no symptoms during the first 4 or 5 days. – I hope your wife has overcome this illness.

  16. We went to the Toronto airport last night January 3 to board our flight with Azores Airlines, but were refused boarding. Noone had informed us that Canadians could only enter Madeira if their travel was “essential.” We are very disappointed as we had planned to stay in Madeira for a few months and had booked accommodation, as well as paying for Covid tests, suspending our home phone, informing friends, etc. Being elderly, we had thought it prudent to escape the icy streets of Toronto where one risks falling and find a place where we could walk outside but observe all the Covid rules as carefully as we do here in Toronto. Hopefully, Madeira’s rules for blocking foreign travellers will protect your own population. We do understand how important that is and for that reason are happily accepting the disappointing situation. However, I do think Azores Airlines in Toronto might have warned us before we set out for the airport. After all, they only have one flight a week and last night that flight only had 20 passengers.

    1. Very sorry about this, Catherine. However, it is not a Madeira thing, if it was I would have known. But since the English-South African mutation has surfaced, a lot of panicky measures have been taken. I suspect – but I could not get this confirmed yet – that it is an EU thing banning all but essential travel from non-EU countries. Does not make it any better for you to know why, though. I totally agree with you that SATA should have warned you, as they were happy to accept your money for a ticket. I hope that you get a refund, at the very least. Stay safe. And thank you for sharing this, it may serve as a warning for others.

  17. Peter,
    Thanks for the November update. As you say, much of the measures are common sense, but unfortunately nowadays:
    (1) many people nowadays have an inflated sense of entitlement regardless of the impact it might have on others, and
    (2) common sense isn’t actually that common.

  18. Hi Peter and also Maurice,
    I wouldn’t put too much into the aircraft airflow story. Flying from Durban to Dubai I “climbed” across my neighbour. Next thing, I see the carpet in front of my nose. Stewardesses lifted me onto my neighbour’s seat (that was the only pleasant phase of the incident) and gave me oxygen. My total “downtime” was just about one or two minutes. A short while later another passenger collapsed in his seat. This time it took about 20 minutes to normalize him. – A stewardess told me that these incidents happen pretty regularly and she had this experience personally already a few times.

            1. That makes more sense, then. Still bl**dy scary. Imagine it happens to the crew. Horror scenario. It reminds me of Helios Airlines flight 522. Read the story in WIKI here.

  19. Peter, I came across this interesting article and thought your readers might find it reassuring.

    Many people are worried about the risk of Covid spreading between passengers during a flight. I have seen comments from people who have cancelled holidays as they were not prepared to risk it.
    Research carried out in the USA has shown that the risk is incredibly low and that people should not worry.

    1. Thanks for this, Maurice. For unknown reasons, your contribution landed in the trash folder. It happens randomly every now and then, no clue why and WordPress does not have an answer. I happened across it just now, so I put it where it belongs. As links are always used in spam messages, contributions with a link always should land in my folder of comments to be moderated, so don’t be surprised that comments like that are not automatically published immediately. However, if that happens I receive a notification and I’ll let it go through at once. Not this time, strangely.

  20. Hi Peter,

    Absolutely love your final line in the PS:

    “It may turn out that your common sense will be the most important and the most powerful of all covid-19 measures.”

    Please may I steal this and use it elsewhere? I think it has a wide applicability in many places and circumstances. (I always quote good sources.)

    Thank you


    1. Yes of course you may, Steve. Anything that helps to helo the nasty virus being kept at bay. I would call that borrowing, not stealing

  21. Leerzame blog Peter, mondkapjes doen wij niet maar Amsterdam en Rotterdam willen dat wel zelf gaan doen. Ze zijn samen ook goed voor 50% van de dagelijkse besmettingen. We genieten weer van goed weer en hebben net Renske 3 dagen op bezoek gehad. Overigens vind ik dat wellicht de grootste waarde van de mondkapjes, dat men (vooral de jeugd) er daardoor aan herinnerd wordt dat het Coronatijd is. Geniet van de zomer en hartelijke groet uit Alkmaar.

    1. Wij vinden het niet zo vreemd dat in Nederland die aantallen besmettingen maar niet willen dalen. Nederland lijkt het goed te doen met gezond verstand, maar veel zaken zijn halfbakken en laten veel te veel ruimte voor discussie. Mondkapjes houden gewoon een deel van de nies-en-hoestdruppels tegen. Niet alles misschien, maar alles helpt. In Nederland hebben ze daar totaal irrilevante ideeën over. Maar als je zegt dat het (ook) helpt om de mensen bewuist te houden, dan heb je zeker gelijk. We genieten met volle teugen, hebben relatief weinig last van het virus en de consequenties en we denken dat al dat verzet tegen maatregelen vooral een ‘mindset’ is. Als je je bij de situatie neerlegt is het allemaal niet zo erg je aan de voorschriften te houden. lieve groet terug!

    1. no. Sitting in a car together does not require the use of a face mask. However, if you are picking up people from the airport who just arrived and have not yet received the results of their test, it is common sense to wear it anyway. Common sense is and remains the keyword here.

    1. It is indeed Maurice. Nobody likes wearing a mask, but nobody wants to be on a respirator either, I should think. We can do without all the drama. We have been making the most of this summer and frankly, it was great with some minor inconveniences.

  22. well wrote as usual but one wonders if some people do have common sense definitely plenty here in England have none or self respect.

    1. Thank you, Pauline. One wonders about people’s common sense indeed, but it is not an England-only problem. I know about groups of Dutch youths illegally partying and then cause 60 (!) new infections in one evening. I am sure that many, especially younger people behave very selfishly and want their old lives back and simply ignore everything. Of course, we all want our old lives back, but that is not going to happen all that soon, especially not if people keep putting themselves and others at risk.

  23. Ich hoffe, Deine Erklaerungen werden von ALLEN gelesen, VERSTANDEN und umgesetzt.
    Well done, Peter

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